

I took a couple pictures while I took a walk this morning.

(side note)
at 10am it was already 75 outside... as I type this at noon its 80 and It's
going to be over 100 today. We don't get that kind of heat often in

It was beautiful. And I didn't listen to music like i normally do. I just walked and looked and listened to the neighborhood and the thoughts in my head.

I've been learning a lot over the past year.

It feels good to...

"let go" and just "be."

My brother visited a couple nights ago and we sat talking on the back deck. We talked about what we are learning now... what we are embracing and maybe what we are having a hard time embracing.

Here is one of the things I have learned
(and still learning.)
The thing I am so happy to embrace.

Slowing Down

"...we carry our home with us wherever we go. Even as we move into the depths of emotional waters, we can remain self-contained and free from attachments....
There is no need to do anything but rest in the fullness of who you are right now. If desires and hopes and dreams are fading away, so much the better. Their disappearance is making space for a new quality of stillness and acceptance of what is, and you are able to welcome this development in a way you have never been able to before. Savor this quality of slowing down, of coming to rest and recognizing you are already home."

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