
going long sleeved.

Here is what i've been knitting on the last week and a half.
Green Gable

I was in need of some better quality photos to place in the new pattern layout as well as the website. So i knit a new one. My original was just too short in the body plus i knit it 5-ish years ago.

I'm heading out to shoot some pictures of the sweater around town.

But first this suckers getting long sleeves. That way, depending on the time of year you knit the sweater you have options pictured.

Personally I think I'll wear it more long sleeved anyway. I'm also toying with the idea of trying out steeking... then I'll have myself a

long sleeved


green gable.


joyq said...

Love that- is that on the web sight for sale... hummm???

Rach said...

Thank joy!
The knitting pattern is for sale but I don't sell the finished sweaters. Just small stuff like scarves and hats.

brendabee said...

Steeking?? THAT scares the be-jesus out of me. I like the wool you used. Excited to see where the backdrops are you choose for the photos.Outstanding job girl!

Unknown said...

Hi, your pattern website does not seem to be working. Will you be fixing it or moving the patterns elsewhere? Thanks!

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