

This ice cream (technically) Gelato is going to be the end of me. 
They sold out of it at New Season's and I thought I was going to Die 
right there in the middle of the frozen isle. 

But on my 4th of July grocery shopping adventure 
at Fred Meyer I found it! 


See those little chocolate pieces inside...? 
well they are full of caramel. 
And there are not very many. So if you choose to share with someone 
(i understand if you cant) 
you need to keep one eye on the tub while you scoop your bites. 
Otherwise.... those little chunks of heaven are gone before you know it.

What's your favorite ice cream or cold ice cream like treat? 
Not that i'm planning on trying anything else ever again... : )
But I am curious what people gravitate to for this icy treat.

1 comment:

zephyrsarah said...

oh boy, we're gonna have to have a battle of the frozen delights! or maybe a tasting extravaganza instead... ;) have you been to ruby jewel yet? i know we've had the ice cream sandwiches together, and as ah-mazing as they taste, they've got nuthin' on a fresh waffle cone towering with ruby jewel icecream. it's unlike anything and i don't even like ice cream! i gotta take you there :)

by the way, this sounds reallllllly good, gonna have to try it!

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